Special Holiday Deals

 LG LSB316 280W Sound Bar with Wireless Subwoofer and Bluetooth
Special Holiday Deals on Select LG Home Audio Systems
LG LSB316 280W Sound Bar with Wireless Subwoofer and Bluetooth

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

How often have you heard the comMent, "He or she is a born leader?" There are certain characteristics found in some people that seem to naturally put them in a position where they're looked up to as a leader.

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

Whether in fact a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. There are some clear characteristics that are found in good leaders. These qualities can be developed or may be naturally part of their personality. Let us explore them further.


1. A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader"walks the talk" and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.

2. A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or causes and also about their role as leaders. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or causes. Although the responsibilities and roles of a leader may be different, the leader needs to be seen to be part of the team working towards the goal. This kind of leader will not be afraid to roll up their sleeves and get dirty.

3. A good leader is confident. In order to lead and set direction to leader needs to appearconfident as a person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. A leader who conveys confidence towards the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members.

4. leaders also needs to function in an naughty and purposeful manner in situations of uncertainty. People look to the leader during times of uncertainty and unfamiliarity and find reassurance and security when the leader portrays both confidence and a positive demeanor.

5. Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadFast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a cool head.

6. A goodleaders, as well as keeping the main goal in focus, is able to think analytically. Not only does a good leader view a situation as a whole, but is able to break it down into sub parts for closer inspection. While keeping the goal in view, a good leader can break it down into manageable steps and make progress towards it.

7. A good leader is committed to excellence. Second best does not lead to success. The good leaders not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Women Can Be GREAT Bartenders Too

Women Can Be GREAT Bartenders Too

Some people might have the misconception that bartending is mainly for Men, but I believe that there could be and probably are, just as many woMen bartending now days as there are Men. It is an awesome career to get into or just a good, fun Job to have for some extra income. Many people start out just doing it on the side, along with a daytime career of their choice, just for getting the chance to meet new, interesting people or just to have some extra income, to help them out with all of the expenses that go along with daily living, or to pay off some old debts. Whatever reason that has been chosen to become a bartender, I am almost positive that your bartending Job is fulfilling you in every way and it has brought you plenty of extra income, to help you out in life.

Women Can Be GREAT Bartenders Too

Women Can Be GREAT Bartenders Too

Women Can Be GREAT Bartenders Too

Women Can Be GREAT Bartenders Too

Women Can Be GREAT Bartenders Too

Thereare so many people that think that hiring a female as a bartender would not be a great idea, because of concerns about the bad customers that are drinking, maybe hitting on the woman or even harassing her. I could understand that but as long as you have a well established place of business and do not tolerate misbehavior such as that, it should never be a big concern because your customers are just not like that. Your bartenders that you have hired, male or female, are professional in every way, and provide your customers with good, Fast, quality service, therefore most of your customers will show their appreciation by leaving wonderful tips for the bartender and would never dream of causing any kind of trouble in your bar.

If you are managing a bar and consideringdoing some hiring, you should probably just keep in mind that the bartender that you choose to hire for your business, will strictly be based on professionalism, skills behind the bars and experience preferred but not necessary and you should not base it on whether or not they are male or female. Both male and female bartenders can provide your customers with the best service and have the ability to make your customers very happy, which is good for your business, it makes you money and they will have the opportunity to make really good money if they do a good enough Job. If they are not good enough and you do not sense happiness with all of your customers, then perhaps you need to consider replacing your bartender, maybe even replace that male bartender with a highly professional,skillful woman bartender.

Bartending is an interesting and exciting field to get into, for both males and females, it is not a job for everybody but if you feel that you have what it takes to be a fantastic bartender but just are not sure how to go about becoming one, get on the internet. The internet has so much helpful information and can guide you in the right direction that you need to be in, in order to become the bartender that you have always wanted to be.

Women Can Be GREAT Bartenders Too

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to buy a Classical Guitar-Tips and Hints to Help You Make a Good Purchase

How to buy a Classical Guitar-Tips and Hints to Help You Make a Good Purchase

Purchasing a classical guitar can be a difficult task particularly if you are not yet an accomplished player. Here are some tips and hints on finding a good quality classical guitar whether it is in the hundred Dollar range or the thousand Dollar range.

How to buy a Classical Guitar-Tips and Hints to Help You Make a Good Purchase

How to buy a Classical Guitar-Tips and Hints to Help You Make a Good Purchase

How to buy a Classical Guitar-Tips and Hints to Help You Make a Good Purchase

How to buy a Classical Guitar-Tips and Hints to Help You Make a Good Purchase

How to buy a Classical Guitar-Tips and Hints to Help You Make a Good Purchase

If you are have ever gone into a well stocked guitar shop you have no doubt been confused by the selection of guitars. There are literally hundreds of shapes, sizes and types of guitars brands. And the price can range from a hundred dollars to several thousand. .If you are a beginner, judging the sound quality can be difficult to do because your ear is not yet highly trained. Here are some tips to help you make a good choice.

When in a guitar shop and looking at the guitars you should always ask a sales personto help you. This way you can take guitars down and play them. If you cannot play very well you should ask the sales clerk to play for you so you can get a feel for the sound of the different guitars. If the sales clerk doesn't play you should ask if there is someone working in the shop that does play. As a last resort you should even ask other customers in the store. Not listening to the different guitars is like shopping for a car but never test driving any of them. Guitars have very different feels and tones and you should listen to a lot of them to get a sense of what you like. Don't be bashful in this respect. Guitarists are usually a very gregarious bunch and a guitarist will almost always jump at the chance to play for someone else. If you don't yet play well and you can'tfind somebody to play for you I recomMend you not purchase a guitar. You should come back another time when someone is available to play or you can bring a friend who knows how to play.

Check the size and shape of the guitar

Classical Guitars, of course, come in different sizes and shapes and you should sit with a wide variety of them to get a feeling for what is comfortable to you. Your body shape has an effect on this. If you are over six feet tall the smaller guitars might not be comfortable for you and the fret board may be uncomfortable for your hands. So even if you can't play music you should always hold and sit with the guitars to get a sense of how the different ones feel.

Check the mechanics and playability of the guitar

Here are severalthings you should do when considering the purchase of a classical guitar.

1. Play every note on every string all the way up and down. Listen for frets that don't play properly. They will give a rattling sound and if this occurs on any fret at all you should put the guitar aside and try another one. This is a sign of inferior quality. Every string should play cleanly on every single fret.

2. Check the action of the strings against the frets in terms of how much pressure is needed to play notes and chords. You should play bar chords all the way down the frets to insure good pressure. If it is too hard to press the strings in order to make a clear chords this could be a sign of an inferior guitar.

3. Play harmonics on the strings. This is an excellent test ofthe quality of the guitar. Playing harmonics is the technique of plucking the note with your right hand and only lightly touching the string with your left hand. Test the harmonics of the strings on the 5th, 7th, 12th and 19th frets. If you do not know how to play harmonic notes ask the sales clerk to help you.

4. Examine and test the tuning pegs. Do they look clean and sharp? Wind and unwind them while Watching and feeling for smooth turning motion.

5. Visually examine the whole guitar. Look it over very carefully from front to back and top to bottom. Are there any small cracks? The frets Are firmly installed into the fret board? Are there any cracks or glue exposed around the bridge?

6. Tap on the front of the guitar (The sound board) in a variety ofdifferent spots. Does it have a rich sound echoing or are there spots where it sounds dead and limp? The internal structure of the classical guitar is very important for the sound and important for the longevity of it. Dull thud sounds could be an indicator of an inferior instruMent.

7. Examine the details. Look at the purfling around the edge. This is the pattern that goes around decorated the full body where the soundboard or face meets the sides of the guitar. Is it accurately laid in? If this has variations and inconsistencies it is a good sign that the guitar is of inferior quality.

8. don't hesitate to take a good look inside the guitar sound hole. You will see wooden braces in there. Do they look straight, accurate and well placed? If you seesloppy globs of dried glue around these braces it could be an indicator of inferior craftsmanship.

9. Remember that there are three distinct areas you must consider when purchasing a classical guitar: The Look, The Feel, and the Sound. If you keep all three of these things in mind and carefully examine the guitar in relation to these you will be able to choose an instruMent that will bring you a lifetime of trouble free playing enjoyMent.

How to buy a Classical Guitar-Tips and Hints to Help You Make a Good Purchase

Friday, March 2, 2012

Plasma Calibration Without Spending A Single Dime

Plasma Calibration Without Spending A Single Dime

Ok, you've gone out and bought a brand spanking new plasma TV, but how do you make sure that you're getting the best picture out of it? To do that you need to adjust the picture settings on your plasma TV, .otherwise known as "plasma calibration" in the AV industry.

Plasma Calibration Without Spending A Single Dime

Plasma Calibration Without Spending A Single Dime

Plasma Calibration Without Spending A Single Dime

Plasma Calibration Without Spending A Single Dime

Plasma Calibration Without Spending A Single Dime

Before you start, you should know that the best calibration for your plasma TV will depend on your source material (i.e. what you're Watching), your input device (e.g. DVD player or satellite box) and the amount of ambient light in your home environMent ... among other things. You should also be aware that your plasma TV needs to be run for at least 200 hours to allow the phosphors to establish, or else you will have to repeat your plasma TV calibration in the future.

You may not own a plasma TVcalibration DVD, so this article will try to walk you through the steps using readily available material. Remember to use the best available connection to connect your input device to your plasma TV. In descending order, the cleanest signal (and hence best picture quality) can be obtained via: HDMI DVI VGA = > = > component SCART (RGB) > S-Video > Composite.

1. Adjust Brightness. This actually determines the black level on your plasma TV: too high a setting and black will look gray; too low and dark grays are swallowed into blackness. To set brightness to its proper level, simply play DVD with lots of black scenes (e.g. opening scene from Star Wars). Now crank your brightness up until the black on your plasma TV, then slowly look gray dial your brightness downuntil the black in the movie JUST matches the black on the black bars on top and bottom of the movie.

2. Adjust Contrast. This determines the white level and is responsible for how much light your plasma TV actually emits. To set contrast correctly, play DVD scenes containing a shiny bald head/forehead (e.g. The Fifth EleMent). Now increase contrast until the bald patch is glaringly hurting your eyes, and then tone it down until you're satisfied that you can see all the detail within the white.

3. Adjust Sharpness. For most poorly-encoded source material you want to use this to enhance the edges, but if done excessively this will introduce haloing and ringing around edges. It's best to bring up a "User Menu" (from your satellite box, DVD, etc) to adjustsharpness: increase it until lots of ringing artifacts occur around the edges of the words, then decrease it until the ringing just disappears.

4. Adjust Color. Color can either be too saturated or too dull ... either way the picture will not look right, with the most noticeable errors found in skin tones and green foliage. As a rough guide, you can use a DVD scenes with a hand and tinker with the color until the color matches that of your own hand.

Plasma Calibration Without Spending A Single Dime

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

You've all heard it, that dreaded 60 Hz hum through the Speakers of a house or home theater audio system. Hopefully you heard it at a friend's house and not your own. It can drive you completely nuts. You may have even tried, unsuccessfully, to fix the little noise problem. That can make you even more crazy. What causes that horrendous noise through your Speakers?

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

More often than not humming through your Speakers is caused by a grounding problem. There are three main ground problems that cause problems in an audio /video system. These are ground loops, improper grounding and lack of a ground altogether. The other possible culprits that can cause noise are bad cables, a faulty piece of equipMent or electrical noise from a lighting dimmer or electric motor.There are steps you can take to troubleshoot the noise and eliminated it from you theater.

The first step is find out where it is coming from. Disconnect your source and display equipMent from your receiver or surround sound processor. If the noise stops, connect them back to the receiver or processor on at a time until the noise returns. When the hum comes back, you found where the noise is entering your system. Note that if you are connecting remote equipMent, such as running the signal from your theater room DVD player to the TV in the bedroom, your chances to pick up noise increase dramatically. With such long runs, noise can be induced into the long cable runs from adjacent electrical wiring. It is also easy to create a ground loop, because the equipment is Plugged intotwo different, widely separated on different outlets, electrical circuits.

If the noise is caused by a cable box, the noise is likely caused by the cable TV ground. To test this theory, disconnect the incoming cable TV feed to the rear of the cable box or TV while they are still connected to the rest of the system. If the noise is eliminated by disconnecting the cable, the problem is the cable TV ground. You can decouple the electrically feeds from your cable TV system with a ground breaking transformer. These are available from many sources. Be advised that many newer, digital cable TV systems require any device in the signal chain to pass a full 1.000 Mhz. Some of the older ground break transformers will not do this. Be sure to check the specifications of whatever device you arepurchasing to verify it will pass the digital cable TV signal.

If the noise is from your Projector, TV, or monitor, it is most likely caused because the video display device is Plugged into a different outlet than the other a/v equipment. It could be on a different circuit as well. These circuits may have two different ground potentials. That is, the resistance to ground is different on each circuit. A difference in resistance to ground ground from one point to another can cause the dreaded ground loops. If you get a ground loop, current flows between the two components. If the current flows through the components internal audio signal ground, you will get to hum.

You can use an isolation transformer, similar to the type used for cable TV ground problems, to eliminatethe electrical connection from one component to the other. These transformers are inserted in line with the audio signal connection between the two components. If there is no audio connection between the components, the problem may be current flowing through the video portion. In this case, a video isolation transformer should be used to eliminate the ground loop.

Sometimes power conditioners will stop noise problems by placing equipment on different, electrically isolated outlets. This is done using isolation transformers. Sometimes this is ineffective however, due to the differences in internal construction of different power conditioning equipment. Some safety regulations, such as UL 1950, specify that an isolation transformer is only allowed to isolate the hotand neutral wires; the grounding wire must be passed straight through. If this is the case, the ground loop problem may still exist because many communication circuits are connected to the grounding conductor and not the neutral. In this case, the isolation transformer, or any power conditioner or UPS with an isolation transformer will have absolutely no affect on the grounding problem.

The noise may be generated externally, from a dimmer or refrigerator compressor for example, and coming in through the main power input on the audio video equipment. In this case, a high quality power conditioner may be effective in reducing or eliminating the noise problem. You may also find that one of the signal interconnecting cables in your system is faulty. This can also cause noiseproblems. Check for this by swapping the cables with one that you know to be good.

You can solve most noise problems in your home theater or multi room audio/video system by taking the systematic, step-by-step approach. Work your way up the signal chain, eliminating each piece of equipment as you go. If you have nothing connected to your speakers except the speaker wiring, and they still hum, the problem is noise induced into the speaker wiring from adjacent power cables. Other than that, most problems are caused by ground problems, which you can find, and solve, if you take it one step at a time.

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How Woofers Can Enhance the Sound Quality of Your Speakers

How Woofers Can Enhance the Sound Quality of Your Speakers

Do you know what a subwoofer is? They are the parts of the audio system which produce lower frequency sounds. You can`t experience a crystal clear and deep bass sound without sub-woofers installed with your main audio system. A subwoofer comes with a cross over Filter. The role of this Filter is to filter out high frequency sound. Subwooofers can enhance the base of the sound produced by your audio or video system.

How Woofers Can Enhance the Sound Quality of Your Speakers

How Woofers Can Enhance the Sound Quality of Your Speakers

How Woofers Can Enhance the Sound Quality of Your Speakers

How Woofers Can Enhance the Sound Quality of Your Speakers

How Woofers Can Enhance the Sound Quality of Your Speakers

If you are planning to buy subwoofers for your home or automobile then there are some things which should be considered. One should decide the power of the subwoofer he wants. The need of power depends on the area of the room. The consumption of power increases with the area of the room.

What is the working principle of subwoofers? The subwoofers come with single or double cone. A cone is responsible for producing the sounds of low frequency. These cones can be mounted in two different ways. The first way is called Down firing and the second one is front firing. But it is a matter of design and does not change the quality of sound

The next thing you have to decide is type of enclosure. An enclosure covers the Speaker and subwoofer. The design of enclosure can affect a lot on the output of your audio system. There are two main types of enclosures. The first one is called acoustic suspension and other one is base reflects. Acoustic suspension enclosures can give a great sound but they can`t work without a powerful amplifier. Base reflect enclosures don`t need so much power but the sound produced is not so accurate.

Before buying a Speaker or a subwoofer you should discuss all your expectations with an expert. An expert can help you a lot in buying an audio system according to your requireMents and budget.

How Woofers Can Enhance the Sound Quality of Your Speakers

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

3 Tips on When to Text a Guy You Like So He Thinks You Are Sexy, Fun and Flirty

3 Tips on When to Text a Guy You Like So He Thinks You Are Sexy, Fun and Flirty

You've met a really cut guy that you like a lot. It feels exciting doesn't it? But you want to play it cool and make him think you're worth chasing, right?

The secret to getting your hottie to chase you is to know how to handle texting him back so you don't appear too available or desperate.

Here Is 3 Important Tips On When To Text a Guy You Like

Tip #1: Let a guy text you first after meeting him

You want to have high worth in a guy's eyes. Guys value what they have put their effort into.

So if you text him back first, he'll have the impression that you have a lot of free time on your hands because other guys aren't after you and you'll be less attractive to him.

Tip #2: Don't Text Him Back Right Away

After he has sent you the first text, I recomMend that you wait at least 10 minutes before responding to his opening text message to you. Why?

When you are just in the early sTAGes of getting to know someone and create attraction, you want him to think that you are a busy, popular girl with a full life so you are rarely immediately available. (You are aren't you?) He might even start to think that you are with another hot guy and he'll have to work harder to get you, i.e. chase you more:)

Now once you reply and start texting back and forth, you can have a normal text convo and you don't have to keep your hunk in suspense with a long pause except when...

you want to crank up your sex appeal.

Tip #3: Don't text him at strange times of the day

If you text a guy at 2am, he's going to think you are desperate. You should be sleeping at 2am, not thinking about him, if you have a full life and things to do the next day.

Also, if you know there are certain times during the day when he can't respond to your text right away like when he's in class or at work, text him when you know he has a break or is off work.

Now that you know when to text that hottie, here's what to text him that is sexy, fun and flirty

When you are having a texting convo with that hot guy you like, you always want to text with the tone of being flirty and playful to crank up your sex appeal. Tease him and bust on him in a playful way. You will stand out from the other girls he is texting that are sending him boring messages.

Him: "Hey, it was good to see you at Burger Hut the other day"

You: "Yes I know, I could tell you are really into me"

You tease him and give him a challenge. Let's see how he handles it.

Him: "Yeah, I couldn't stop staring at that big zit on your forehead"

He's ready to play, too. Should be fun. You are going to let him think he put his foot in his mouth and blew it with you.

You: "I was going to listen to a band on Friday night with friends and thought you'd like to come, too. Guess you'd be too embarrassed to be seen with me"

Him: "It should be dark, so it might not be that noticeable"

He continues to tease you.

After 5 minutes...

Him: "hello..."

Keep him guessing about wanting him to join you. He just "offended you," right? Wait another 10-15 minutes, then...

You: "You can stay by the bar while I dance in front of the hot lead singer:)"

You text back and you crank up your sex appeal by teasing him that you might catch another hottie's eye. What makes this reply good is that you remind him of your value. There are many guys interested in you and you are busy doing fun things!

Most girls don't have the nerve or know how to create uncomfortable silence to create sexual tension. His imagination is your best friend.

Him: "I'll be good. Promise"

Good Job. You reeled him in and made yourself worth chasing some more.

You: "Gota go. Call me for details on Thur"

You end the convo first. And yeah, you need to make him pick up the phone and talk to you. Real guys pick up the phone to confirm plans.

You are totally in control and he's going to have to step it up a bit to keep your attention. Guys find this very sexy because you are a challenge. The chase is on!